Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Turning in Rewrites!

Listen to the Ronni's Books Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.


Turned in the rewrite to the lovely people at Saddleback Educational Publishing. Jumping back into Anna Toucana with plans for a mid-July release!

The rewriting of my screenplay ESCROW is going well. I plan to have it done by mid-August. Then I start my next script, tentatively called, 233. More on that in a bit...

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Pausing Anna (briefly) + Screenwriting


The home where many stories were born.

Had to put Anna Toucana aside briefly as I had to jump back into a rewrite for Saddleback Educational Publishing. That should be done soon and then Anna will resume. It should be out by mid-July.

Inputting my notes into a new version of a script called ESCROW. The problem when I write screenplays is they usually start of simple, and then they get convoluted. That has kind of happened now but I think I can reel it back in!

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Anna Toucana Is Done!

Order Vampoindexter from Amazon Now!

Anna Toucana is done and I am about halfway finished with the rewrite! Looking forward to getting this done and starting the third book in this series about a boy with special powers named Herman.

Also finished up a hard-copy rewrite of a script. Sometimes, when I write a script it takes a bit longer and I lose sight of the plot. So I print it up and then do a rewrite with longhand notes in the margins. Then I type up the longhand notes as I reread the script and that keeps me on track. Usually.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

One Thing Ends… Another Thing Begins!

On A Trip to North Carolina and Writing Away!

Anna Toucana has 4 more chapters to go and it will be done! Well… it will be ready to be rewritten, I should say!

Turned in a rewrite to Saddleback Educational Publishing. Looking forward to their notes and finishing up that project as well. 

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Rewriting, Rewriting, and Writing


Listen to the Ronni's Books Podcast on Spotify! New episodes weekly!


Rewriting a book for Saddleback Educational Publishing. My plan is to turn it in later this week.

Anna Toucana is still just halfway done. It will get finished shortly, I just have to get this other rewrite done first.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.