Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Hardcover Books and a New Project!

Order New Painting now from Saddleback Educational Publishing.

I never knew that some of the books I’ve written for Saddleback Educational Publishing were available in hardcover! Check out the hardcover version of New Painting. You can order that book here.

Also… it looks like a new book project with Saddleback is in the works! More on that soon.

Still outlining ANNA TOUCANNA! The outline might even be done by this weekend then it’s time to write it up.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.

Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here

Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Thursday, March 24, 2022


Order SWEET TOOTH from Saddleback Education Publishing Now!

Saddleback Educational Publishing releases SWEET TOOTH this fall! Pre-order it here.

Dax Davis loves candy. He eats it every day and posts on a social media site for candy fans. But when he steals a rare piece of candy so he can be the first to try it, he has a very strange reaction. Before long, he finds himself in desperate need of help.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.


VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.

Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


VAMPOINDEXTER in Hardcopy Form Available Now from Ronni's Books!

VAMPOINDEXTER books are here! Don't they look lovely? Order one here.


VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.

Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here!


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE


Email Evan Jacobs at

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


SPIN FOR YOUR LIFE is coming for you this fall!


Saddleback Educational Publishing releases SPIN FOR YOUR LIFE this fall! Pre-order it here.


Carson Schwartz is used to being the best at everything. When he gets the hottest new toy, a Cube Spinner, all he can think about is becoming the best spinner in the world. But something about this Cube Spinner is different. Each time Carson uses it, strange things happen. People even get hurt. Can Carson put aside being the best in order to keep his friends and family safe?


VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.


VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.

Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here!


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022



Pre-Order OMG Now from Saddleback Educational Publishing.

Many thanks to Saddleback Educational Publishing for releasing my book OMG this fall!


Outlining the ANNA TOUCANNA story! I should have a draft of it in a couple of weeks.


VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.


VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.

Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here!


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.