Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Order Vampoindexter Now!


Vampoindexter is the newest title from Ronni's Books.


VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.


VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories. Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


The next book in the series is tentatively titled, ANNA TOUCANNA. The outline has begun!

Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here!


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Vampoindexter Is Almost Here!


VAMPOINDEXTER will be available in paperback and on Kindle in the next 2 weeks!

VAMPOINDEXTER is being formatted and I am figuring out the layout. As for TOUCANNA, I think it might be called ANNA TOUCANNA. More on this as I am starting to figure out her special powers...

VAMPOINDEXTER is actually part of a 3 book series
. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories. Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!) Listen to the most recent one here!


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022



Rabbi Berkowitz and Rabbi Grossman... two people who have had a profound impact on me.

As I prepare VAMPOINDEXTER to be published I am leaning toward an idea for a book called TOUCANNA. It's about a girl named Anna that takes on the powers of a Toucan. The only problem is I need more information before I start writing this idea.

With VAMPOINDEXTER nearing completion it's time to start thinking about the next book in the series. In this new book, it will focus on a girl who, like Poindexter, realizes that she has special powers. More to come!

VAMPOINDEXTER is actually part of a 3 book series
. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories. Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!) Listen to the most recent one here!


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

It Is Almost VAMPOINDEXTER Layout Time...


Me during the early stages of working on VAMPOINDEXTER.

With VAMPOINDEXTER nearing completion it's time to start thinking about the next book in the series. In this new book, it will focus on a girl who, like Poindexter, realizes that she has special powers. More to come!

VAMPOINDEXTER is actually part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories. Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!) Listen to the most recent one here!


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.


Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.