Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Literally Just Finished A New Book


The writing area.


Finished a rough draft of a new book for Saddleback Educational Publishing. Let the rewrites begin!

ANNA TOUCANNA will be written shortly after those rewrites are done. The plan is to have a draft of it by the middle of May.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Halfway Done With A New Book


Always working on SOMETHING...

About halfway done with a rough draft for Saddleback Educational Publishing. It should be done early next week and then rewritten shortly after that.

Starting to write ANNA TOUCANNA! The plan is to have a draft of it by the middle of May.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Strange But (Mostly) True in Hardcover!


Grab this Strange But (Mostly) True book from Saddleback Educational Publishing!

Another hardcover title from Saddleback Educational Publishing! This STRANGE BUT (MOSTLY) TRUE BOOK covers some really cool historical events! You can order that book here.


Outlining the new project for Saddleback. It is going well... I just need to push myself a bit to make it more unique.

Still outlining ANNA TOUCANNA! The outline might even be done by this weekend then it’s time to write it up.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Virus in Hardcover From Saddleback!

Virus in hardcover from Saddleback Educational Publishing.


More hardcover books from Saddleback Educational Publishing! I never knew when I wrote the Abby McQuade book VIRUS that it would be so topical. You can order that book here.


Working on a new book project with Saddleback! More on that as it keeps going. This is a different type of book for me and I'm excited about it.

Still outlining ANNA TOUCANNA! The outline might even be done by this weekend then it’s time to write it up.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.