Wednesday, May 25, 2022

1/2 Way Done With Anna and Another Rewrite Looms!


A young me.

Anna Toucana is halfway done! Looking forward to getting it finished over this next week and then the rewrites start.

About to rewrite a book for Saddleback Educational Publishing. This great company has been in business for 40 years!!! Congratulations to Arianne, Tim, Leslie and the entire team.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Anna Toucanna Almost At the Halfway Point and Qwik Cutter 2 News!

Qwik Cutter 2: Augmented Reality is here!

Three chapters into Anna Toucana! It should be halfway done by this weekend. 

Just got my copies of QWIK CUTTER 2: AUGMENTED REALITY! You can get it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.



Wednesday, May 11, 2022



Sleep Is Where I Get My Best Ideas.

Turned in my rewrite for Saddleback Educational Publishing! As I await their notes I have started writing ANNA TOUCANA. Still looking like there will be a first draft at the end of May. I might even have the book finished and released by July!

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

In the Midst Of a Rewrite


In the midst of a rewrite for Saddleback Educational Publishing. One thing I truly love about them is how their notes are always direct and insightful!

ANNA TOUCANNA will be written shortly after those rewrites are done. Now it's looking like there will be a draft at the end of May.

VAMPOINDEXTER is out! Order it here.

VAMPOINDEXTER is part of a 3 book series. The first 3 books will feature standalone stories (Vampoindexter and Anna Toucanna are the first two). Then, once the characters are established in those books, I'm going to start combining them in a bunch of new books.


Once again, new episodes of the Ronni's Books podcast are available every Saturday! Some weeks I read one of my books until it’s complete. Other weeks you watch and listen to me write (and probably eat!). Listen to the most recent one here


Order all my books on Amazon HERE.

Order my books from Saddleback Educational Publishing HERE.