Saturday, November 30, 2019

CLAN CASTLES 3: EPIC FAIL is coming...

Check out the cover for CLAN CASTLES 3: EPIC FAIL here! I am so excited with this book. In fact, I just came up with a 4th one!

Also... Abby McQuade is in this book too! How's that for a shared universe???

Also... talking to Saddleback Educational Publishing soon about more projects for 2020!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Abby Books and More...

This is a bit old but all 9 books in The Amazing Adventures of Abby McQuade are here!

Also... check out the newest series the Vintage Rose Mysteries! If you like RL Stine-like tales of creepiness and horror you will LOVE these!

Friday, July 5, 2019

More Books!

Recently signed a contract with Saddleback Publishing to extend a series they asked me to continue back in October 2018. This is a fun series for middle-schoolers and I can't wait for people to read it.

Three more books to go and I am done with the first installment of books for THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE series. There will be 12 books for the first installment covering the time-period of 1984-1985. You can buy the first one here.

Lastly, my next book after the first books in this series is done is a going to be a fantasy book heavily grounded in reality titled, ELIZABETH AND THE MOUNTAINS OF EDENROCK.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

New Books for the Summer

A new box from Saddleback Publishing is here! I think it's new Abby McQuade books but I haven't had time to open it. Also... starting work another series of non-fiction books for them. This is really cool because I mainly write fiction but lets just say these books are... different. More on this project soon!

Saturday, March 2, 2019


I am truly greatful for Amazon.

However, they can make getting books and movies on their platforms very byzantine.

Well... we got the first book in THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE series up in both paperback and Kindle

There's 9 more books coming in this first installment of what is supposed to be a 6 installment series. That's 60 books in total.

The first 10 should be available before the end of summer!

Check out THE BEST DAYS OF MY LIFE here!

Sunday, February 10, 2019