When I started this Ronni's Books page my goal was to do shorter posts than I do at my Anhedenia Films page. I also planned to post a lot more often.
Sadly, due to the time reasons, that is not happening but I am trying to get better!
I recently wrote up another outline for SaddleBack Press! At the moment, It is titled SENIORYEAROVER. I should know their thoughts on it shortly.
Recently did a rewrite on another book I wrote for them. Originally, the book was called AS IF IT WERE NEVER DONE. Now it is called, SELF. DESTRUCTED. I can't wait to see what they do with it! So far they have done really well with getting SCREAMING QUIETLY out there and I couldn't be more happy with them.
Under the Ronni's Books banner…
I just finished the first rewrite of ATTACK OF THE DRONE. I should have that title ready to go by late next month and it will of course be added to my book offerings here.
Lastly, once that is done I am starting work on THE MOTHCATCHER! It would be great to be working on that story around Halloween as that is when THE MOTHCATCHER is set. There is a chance the book might be called THE MOTHCATCHER AND HALLOWEEN COSTUME.
Alright… as I said, these blasts will be short and sweet.
Keep stopping by and thank you for the support!
Evan Jacobs